The perils of the home office interview!

The Perils of the Home Office Interview!

If you work from home and have children, you are going to relate to this situation. We’ve probably all had important calls interrupted by overly enthusiastic children or the family dog deciding to start barking. But not many of us would have a family event during a nationally televised interview!

Meet Professor Kelly, a regional expert from the Political Science and Diplomacy Department of Pusan National University in South Korea. He was giving an ‘expert opinion’ interview about the dismissal of the country’s president, Park Geun-hye – live and warts and all as it turns out.

Although the door to his office was was shut, his three year old daughter opened it and danced in while her father was fielding questions. It got worse when, moments later a baby also appeared in the doorway, rolling in on a walker. Then came the nanny or mother, desperately trying to retrieve the children so that the learned professor could retrieve his dignity and train of thoughts!




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