Working from home? Then you can probably relate to the everyday challenge of focusing and getting as much work as you can get done!
There are many factors that can keep us from being productive in our home office, and all of these make up what we describe as an unfavourable environment. But even if your home office seems unsuitable for getting things done, there are several measures you can do to turn the situation around…
Now the work desk is a big factor that affects your productivity primarily because it’s exactly where you do all the work. But before we get into what you can do about it, the very first thing you should do is to establish your work space. If you don’t have an extra room for a dedicated home office, assign a certain spot where you can be free of distractions. You can ask your family to refrain from going to this area, especially when you are working.
When that has been dealt with, you can then focus on making sure your work desk helps you be the most productive that you can be! These points that we have for you below will guide you…
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Natural Lighting

Natural lighting is an important factor to consider when choosing a spot for your work space. If you can choose a room in your house, one with abundant natural lighting would be your best option. If you don’t have an extra room and are simply looking for a small spot, choose an area with a window.
Natural lighting is linked to increased productivity, and it reduces instances of getting a headache and eye strain.
Standing Desk

Working mostly on a computer? Sitting continuously for several hours a day is unhealthy! Even though you are following the recommended hourly breaks, having a standing desk is also better. This way you can work undisturbed if you need to, and at the same time you are allowing your blood to flow properly throughout your body. This helps you think better and work more productively! (If you are interested to know more about this topic, here’s a related article for you.)

Many studies now prove that having plants in the work space is beneficial – it increases productivity and workplace satisfaction. It decreases stress levels and looking at it for a few minutes even relaxes your tired eyes.

It’s already a known fact that music can do wonders for our brains. When in the workplace, music can help us focus, especially when we are doing a repetitive task. So find or create a playlist that works for you. You can also use a noise-cancelling headphone to drown out unwanted noise around you.
Organize Items and Schedule

There are a few people that work best in chaos. But for most situations, organizing your papers, files and what have you is of course better as it saves you from wasting precious time trying to look for what you need.
The same goes with your work and tasks schedule. Make sure to write every task and deadline on your planner or calendar so that you are always on track.
Invest in Quality Office Equipment
Last but not the least, invest in quality equipment and make sure that they are always up-to-date. Nothing is more time-consuming, wasteful and frustrating than a frozen screen or an unresponsive program!
These guides are simple measures. But if you follow them, you’ll be more productive and in control of your home working environment!
How about you, do you have any tips and tricks for a more productive home office? :)