Energizing a Post-Pandemic Workforce!

Post-Pandemic? No-one really knows when – or even if – that is going to happen. But it’s certainly something we all hope for.

One thing is absolutely certain… our world will never be the same! We’re not going back to the summer of 2019, 2009 or 1999. The ways we look at and react to most of the things that affect our lives have changed forever.

One of the most obvious, and possibly important, is our attitude to work. For so many of us, the pandemic has taught us that flexible work arrangements – and especially, the ability to work remotely, has made our working lives more enjoyable.

And the lesson for employers has been even more enlightening… YES, you really can trust your employees to be productive when there is no-one looking over their shoulder!

So, as we move forward toward that post-pandemic horizon, employers need to start planning and developing ways that will energize their workforce. PWC has used their extensive network of specialists to encapsulate the research and findings from their thought-leaders.

Building a stronger and smarter post-pandemic workforce
We need to explore ways to build a stronger and smarter post-pandemic workforce.

Challenges at workplaces during this pandemic time call for bolder solutions and a smarter approach. This is to address the diverse needs and problems of both employers and their employees.

Physical safety remains employee's top priority.
Physical safety remains an employee’s top priority.

Statistics reveal significant confidence, especially in women employees, regarding the back-to-work shift setup. Furthermore, ensuring the health and wellness of every employee can help build their confidence more until they are finally ready to go back to work safely.

Mental health on the mind
There has been a growing call for mental health support for employees.

More than the physical safety, the mental health of the employees is also on the line here. Many remote workers shared similar feelings on the support they received and how their wellness is being addressed. Providing workers access to mental health resources can help them deal with and manage the problems they experience during the pandemic.

Time and flexibility matters most esp for younger employees.
Younger employees are willing to trade off their paychecks for more time and career growth opportunities.

Another huge takeaway from this new remote work setup? It provides workers with more options and opportunities for career growth. This includes learning new skills and exploring new experiences to prepare them for the post-pandemic future.

We need to create a more inclusive work environment for all employees.
Companies should build a more inclusive working environment for their employees.

If we really want to build a solid future workforce, we need to empower our employees. And this starts by understanding the struggles and challenges they face to maintain a healthy workplace environment. More than that, we need to make them feel and see that we’re always on their side.

What about you? How has the COVID19 pandemic impacted your working arrangements? And how are you coping?

Illustration source:  https://pwc.com/workforceofthefuture



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