5 Fun and Effective Team-Building Activities for Remote Workers

Team-building activities for remote workers may seem like a moot proposition. Anyone who has any experience with remote employment knows that isolation is among the inevitable penalties of working from home. But a closer look at the dynamics involved in any team – virtual or otherwise –will tell you that team-building exercises are essential to […]
Multi-Tasking Makes You …Uhhh…

As you read this sentence, are you listening to music? Is the TV on? Are you looking after the kids, maybe? Texting? For some time now, we’ve come to believe in multi-tasking without questioning. Virtually all of us spend part or most of our day juggling two or more things at the same time. Since […]
Why You Should Think Twice About an Open Plan Office

With a lack of privacy comes noise – the talking, typing, and even music from your co-worker’s earphones. Scientists suggest that background noise impairs both memory and productivity.
Selling into Europe? SCA could bring you undone. Here’s why…

Most of Europe is poised to implement stronger security protocols for online transactions beginning next month. And if you’re selling online – no matter where you’re based, you could easily find yourself in breach of them. That could be expensive. SCA – what is it? Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is a new European security protocol aimed […]